Tourist information

Unioninkatu 29, +358 (0)9 2340 6120
Open daily 9 am–6 pm, June–August 9 am–midnight
Opening hours are subject to change as per Sunday morning Service or other church ceremonies. Sightseeing visits are not possible during church ceremonies.
Entrance is free of charge.
Welcome to visit Helsinki Cathedral
All are warmly welcome to the communion services, concerts and prayers. Program for services and prayers is available in English, Finnish, Swedish, German, Russian, Hungarian and Estonian.
The Cathedral Information Stand (left of the main entrance) is manned in May–September Mon – Fri at 9 am–4.30 pm and Sat 9 am–noon. At other times the stand operates on a self-service basis.
Wheeled access to the Cathedral is possible from the Cathedral Crypt. The address of the Crypt is Kirkkokatu 18. Please call the church warden (tel. + 358 9 2340 6120) in advance to confirm that the door to the Crypt is open.
Weekly Programme at the Cathedral
• Sun at 10 am Main Worship Service with Communion, 8 pm Organ Recital (Organ Recital only in summer)
• Mon at noon Daily Prayer
• Tue at 11 am Prayer during the Day and a short presentation of the Cathedral in English (only in summer)
• Tue at noon Daily Prayer
• Wed at noon Short Organ Recital
• Thu at noon Weekday Communion Service
• Fri at noon Daily Prayer, Short Organ Recital (Organ Recital only in summer)
• Sat at 6 pm Evening Worship with Communion
A minister is available for discussion and counselling in the Confessional Room (‘rippihuone’) on weekdays 3–5 pm. In June–August on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Cathedral Shop Tapuli

The Cathedral's souvenir and gift shop sells Christian items and souvenirs from Helsinki. The shop is situated in the premises under the church bells. Entrance from Cathedral terrace. Seen from the Senate Square, the shop is in the pavillion on the left.
Open in May–September 2017:
Mon–Sat 10 am–5 pmSun 11 am–3 pm
Coffee and Art Exhibitions in the Cathedral Crypt

Café Krypta is a summer cafeteria in the Cathedral Crypt. It has a selection of affordable and tasty cafeteria products. Additionally, the Crypt houses changing art exhibitions with free entry.Café Krypta is operated by the parish partners taking weekly turns. The proceeds from the cafeteria are donated to recipients decided by each partner.
Open: June–August Mon to Sat at 11 am–5 pm, Sun at noon–5 pm.
Entrance from Kirkkokatu 18 or by elevator from the church.