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MoniNainen arki (Diversity in everyday life)

Common parish functions

07.08.2024, 13:04
MoniNainen arki violetilla tekstillä, taustalla pitkähiuksisen pään siluetti, kasvot keltaiset, hiukset oranssit. Hiuksissa keltaisia viivapiirrossymboleita: kynä, kello, kirja, tuttipullo, #-merkki. Oikealla laidalla kuvasta pois kävelevä, fuksianväriseen hijabiin ja violettiin takkiin pukeutunut henkilö, olallaan keltainen olkalaukku.

Are you looking for Vantaa`s webpages? The link will updated here soon.

MoniNainen arki (Diversity in everyday life) is Helsinki and Vantaa Parish Union´s joint project. The aim of the project is to help stay-at- home mothers that have moved from outside of EU countries to integrate better by strengthening multiliteracy skills.

The project offers to immigranted stay-at-home mothers:

* skills for participation in the Finnish society

* Training and activies that support community activity skills

and strengthen

* multiliteracy skills ja self expression in Finnish language

* the mother´s impression of themselves as an initiator

* ability of recognizing their own resources

Most effectively, this can be used to restart the integration process that has been at a standstill.

The project´s aim is also to increase the awareness of multicultural sector´s workers about multiliteracy as part of the integration process. More information about multiliteracy can be found at the end of this page.

What does MoniNainen arki project offer?

We organize language cafes and other participatory activities based on the group's wishes, visits to different cultural and educational sites, and Cable community coaching. The activities offer mothers:

* a barrier-free, child-friendly women's community

* peer support

* the opportunity to maintain and develop their Finnish language skills and multiliteracy abilities

* support for their own resources, abilities, and initiative in Cable coaching sessions.

Who is it for?

The target group is stay-at-home mothers who have citizenship of non-Eu country. The activities are suitable for mothers who are taking care of young children at home or are outside of TE services. For example, those who have interrupted their studies or mothers who, due to their life situation, are unable to participate in daily courses are also welcome. See the page in clear Finnish.

We also provide training for multicultural sector´s workers on the importance of multiliteracy and supporting multiliteracy as part of integration work.

Activities and training

For immigrated stay-at-home mothers:

Language cafe

We organize a language cafe for mothers every Friday from 10 am to 1 pm at the Matteus Church in Itäkeskus. See Events below.

Cable coaching

We organize Cable community coaching in the East Helsinki area. In the coaching, mothers participate in creating a community that strengthens, supports, and empowers. They also gain insights into their resources. Childcare is provided if needed. Free coaching is intended for immigrant mothers from non-EU countries, as well as for multicultural sector´s workers and volunteers. See Events below.


We also organize visits to educational and cultural sites in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The visits are intended for stay-at-home mothers from non-EU countries and their children. Guidance during the visits is provided in clear Finnish. You can participate in the visits even if you are not involved in other activities of the project.

For workers:

Multiliteracy training

Training on promoting multiliteracy as part of integration work will be held in spring and autumn 2024 and spring 2025. The training provides more information on how to promote multiliteracy skills in work and why multiliteracy is significant for integration. We organize the training in cooperation with the KSL Study Center In English | KSL Opintokeskus

The training held in Helsinki and Vantaa is intended for multicultural sector´s workers and volunteers.

See events below.

Events (in Finnish)

You will also find events in Vantaa here later.

Why is multiliteracy important?

Multiliteracy refers to the ability to acquire, combine, modify, and evaluate information in its various forms. Multiliteracy is strongly related to literacy in media, images, symbols, and messages. Traditionally known in the context of children's school life, multiliteracy supports technical literacy and strengthens skills in independent information retrieval. It can be practiced through everyday and practical methods. Literacy opens up opportunities for societal participation and thus promotes integration. We provide more information on this interesting topic in the project's coaching sessions.

Volunteers are welcome

We are looking for volunteers proficient in Finnish to participate in language cafes, visits, and community coaching to run activities together with employees and offer Finnish-language conversation. Volunteers will receive training. Previous expertise in for example multiliteracy is not necessary.

Additional information

Are you interested? If you want more information, please contact us with any questions:

Project Manager Hanna Ruohonen, hanna.l.ruohonen@evl.fi, phone: +358 50 472 1200

Helsinki Project Coordinator Ulla Kärki, ulla.karki@evl.fi, phone: +358 50 326 2251

Vantaa Project Coordinator Kaisa Aalto in Vantaa, kaisa.k.aalto@evl.fi, phone: +358 40 7214783

You can also find us on Facebook (MoniNainen arki)‍