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Examination of impediments to marriage

07.06.2021, 15:59
Before the wedding, an examination of impediments to marriage must be completed. This will ensure the legality and validity of the marriage. Without a completed examination, it is not possible to get married.
pari pitää toisiaan kädestä

If you want to have a church wedding, you can request the examination of impediments through the online service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, by visiting the Central Registry of the Helsinki Union of Parishes, or by filling out and mailing a printed copy of the appropriate form. Both parties must apply for the examination of impediments.

The application must be submitted no later than seven days before the planned wedding day. The certificate of non-impediment is valid for four months.

Go to the online service for examination of impediments to marriage.

If you cannot or do not want to use our online service, you can print a form and return it to:

Helsinki Parish Union
Central Registry
Kolmas linja 22 B
00530 Helsinki

or to

Digital and population data services agency (DVV)
Lintulahdenkuja 2
00530 Helsinki.

For more information about the investigation of impediments, please contact the Central Registry of the Helsinki Parish Union:


tel. 09 2340 8000 (Mon–Fri 9 am – 3 pm).